Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The new year is eight days old, and I am delighted to say that the glut of inane emails seems to have stopped now that everyone is back to what passes for normal life.  I never get too many emails in my "friends and family" account on any given day – some days there are none – but during the busy December holidays it seemed like many of the folks I know were passing on whatever drivel came into their own inboxes.  Didn’t they have better things to do?  I felt as though I’d soon be drowning in emails about cute animals, cute kiddies, Christmas ditties, prayers or letters that have to be passed on to twenty-three others within three days or my teeth will fall out, and jocular advice for the elderly. I’ll always pass on that last type: I’m elderly and it’s usually no joke. And chain emails? - Delete, Delete, Delete – that’s my motto.

I’ve always wondered who is taking the time to amass all the pictures, sayings, jokes, and such that go into one of these emails.  I know for certain that it isn’t the folks sending them to me in particular.  I have this vision of some guy sitting in his cubicle at his desk, supposedly doing his regular job, but cheating on the boss by making up useless emails.  I also have visions of the space wasted on saving this trash among all the employee emails in many company data banks.  Back in the seventies I was the boss of a small bank’s bookkeeping and computer department.  I was strict enough about personal phone calls - I’d have had a conniption if I’d caught one of the staff wasting the bank’s time on creating and sending, or even reading and sending on such stuff as these trashy emails.  Being the boss today would probably drive me bonkers.

Mollie Sugden
                 “And I am unanimous in this!”

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