Friday, May 10, 2019


I've no title for today's posting. I almost didn't have a subject, but my regular routine stop at the Politico website gave me my subject. I love political cartoons, and each Friday I check the lineup at Politico. This morning's look gave me this:

Bee-u-tee-ful! It's right in line with what I've been thinking: let's get back to the younger generation of lawmakers. If he's re-elected - fate forbid - our current president will be 79 when he leaves office.
Biden would be 83, and much as I do admire a lot of what she's accomplished, Elizabeth Warren will be 76. (I hope I did that math correctly.)

I am now 76, and knowing my own capabilities, I believe Warren could do the job, but, Democrat or Republican, we've got to get some younger, more flexible politicians running our government. I'm going to learn as much as I can about the more prominent of those nineteen dwarfs. If nothing else, the political scene will be very interesting in the months ahead.


  1. I agree... where are our best 50 year old leaders?
    We simply are no longer as sharp as we once were..;. just a simple fact.
    God forbid any of them get in. I remember how Ronnie deteriorated. We can't have that.
    Meanwhile, I love you as much as ever.

  2. I see, "Unknown".
    You know mw as your little Bro.
