Friday, May 13, 2016


The Writer’s Almanac last year on May 2nd said: “Good Housekeeping magazine went on sale for the first time on this day in 1885, offering housekeeping tips, parenting advice, product reviews, and fiction. In 1900, the magazine developed the Good Housekeeping Experiment Station to test and evaluate consumer goods and foods for the benefit of the magazine's readers. Products that passed the magazine's standards were given the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval," and anyone who wasn't satisfied by one of the approved and advertised products could obtain a full refund. In a time before any regulatory or consumer protection agencies, the Experiment Station performed an important public service, and its tests raised concerns about smoking, overeating, and preservatives before anyone else.”

Fiction in such magazines is a thing of the past

My mother subscribed to Good Housekeeping for years. Today, it’s not a magazine that has much appeal for me, but from when I was a young teen I usually read each issue that came into the house. Along with what my mother taught me, it was my source, and probably the reason for a lot of what I do today. I especially remember the Taylors. Emily Taylor talked about things around the house, like new products, appliances, and furnishings. As I recall, her husband wrote about how to fix things. There were good stories, recipes, decorating ideas.

Today I look to the many other printed and on-line testing reports to make and needed decisions about what products to buy, but I smile when I see a product has the Good Housekeeping seal of approval.

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