Tuesday, July 10, 2012



I can’t seem to warm up to Facebook or Twitter, or even Pinterest, though I do belong to Facebook to take advantage of some freebies.  When I’ve time to go on line, I’m interested in finding new things for myself.  I rarely want to know what friends and family know or like, or what they’re doing.  Sounds cold, doesn’t it? But if it’s important enough I’ll hear it anyway – why go searching for the trivialities of the day.

I’m finding more and more interesting sites every day. Once the New York Times decided to charge for digital access – I’ve only my laptop, so why would I want to add on Smartphone or tablet apps – I sought out other news sites where I wouldn’t be limited to just ten articles a month. I still keep the NY Times as my home page so I can check regularly for ‘what’s happening right now’, but I’ve found Slate and it suits me much better.

My regular morning laptop routine starts like this: homepage to see what happened over night; then Slate, of course; NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day * to learn a little bit about our universe and see some wonderful pictures; Arts & Letters Daily, to see what web article The Chronicle of Higher Education has selected to further aid education today; and The Writer’s Almanac to see what of significance happened on this date, and who among the world’s past and present notables was born on this day. Where do you suppose I pick up all the interesting topics for my essays?

Then it’s on to Yahoo to check my junk mail. I use my  internet server for family and friends email. Any other emails and on-line purchases where I might attract spam go out on Yahoo.  This has kept my local emails fairly spam free.  I check the official and unofficial websites for our community, go on to check the weather and what might be of interest on the tube that day – though for all the programming out there, there is very little to interest me. I find little of value to learn on the Learning Channel and less to discover on Discovery, though there are exceptions once in a while. (All in all, for all the programing on TV, I’d rather read a book.) I end up at last with the blogs I follow.  Now there’s a treasure trove.

Some of you may know that I love ‘shelter’ magazines. My Mom was a regular subscriber to Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and Family Circle, and the like. I am happy with Martha Stewart Living, Country Living, Traditional Home, Elle Décor, and such. So when I get to my shelter blogs I am in hog heaven. So many of the great blogs, like My French Country Home, have little teasers at the end.  After the day’s main entry it will say something such as “you may also like:” and they have clickable references to entries in the same vein – and those references have more references, and I click on and on until I forget everything I was supposed to do that day. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person!

If you’d like to see more of what interests me each day, do check out the listing on the right. One never knows – you might find something to amuse and amaze you.

* and do watch this video on Astronomy Picture of the Day.  It is guaranteed to make you smile.

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