Friday, March 29, 2019


Ah! It's still Friday, so I'm not too late. I've had a busy day today, and almost - not quite, but almost - forgot that I wanted to tell you about the article I wrote for the online magazine for women over fifty, Prime Women.

I get their regularly posted emails, and they've been advertising for writers over fifty. I'm well over fifty, and over the fact that I'm no longer that age. I wrote to them and gave them some of my qualifications. The editor wrote back and asked me to "complete an assignment" as a test for them. She gave me the topic of explaining a number of myths about women over fifty.

She liked what I wrote. Part of their deal - no payment is involved at this time - is to sign an agreement form. It's all legalese to me, and I'd rather not sign anything like that. I respect the need for the company to cover their, ah, bases, shall we say, but I don't want to enter into any formal agreements. So, I said thanks, feel free to use the piece I wrote, but I'll pass.

But the editor did use my piece, and it was posted on Monday. It's titled "Old Wives' Tales: The Many Myths About Women Over Fifty." Although I've got articleas running in Charlotte Seniors, and, of course in Living, our community magazine, it's a hoot to see my work on a fancy-schmancy website like that one. I don't think they'll want anything more from me, but it was fun to do this one piece.

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